Return to the Faerie Ring at Sunset Campout

We are absolutely thrilled to be reuniting with the Sunset Sound System community in Belden Town, CA this summer for Sunset Campout, June 30 – July 3, 2023! It’s been a 3-year hiatus for Sunset Campout so we are very excited to finally return to the Feather River Canyon to recreate the Sunset Campout Faerie…

Summer Solstice ~ The Cusp of Magick

Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, is called the Cusp of Magick because it is considered to be one of the most magical times of the year, where the veil between our world and the faerie realm is thin. The Earth is lush with summer fruits and abundant in flowers and animals. It is a…

Beltane Blessings

It’s flower crown season! We love the magic and active energy of Beltane. It’s a beautiful time for inspiration and exploration of your creative spirit. At Beltane, energies are strong. Life is bursting! Make flower crowns, build an altar, set and nurture intensions. What do you feel is more aligned with the creative energy of…

Be Inspired! Blessed Imbolc

Imbolc begins at sundown February 1st and goes until sundown February 2nd. This year it aligns directly with Lunar New Year. Imbolc is the divine spark, the time for new beginnings to be inspired. Clear the way for them for the spark to grow into a passionate flame. Today we celebrate the Goddess Brighid, ruler…

Winter Solstice, Yuletide Blessings

It’s Winter Solstice! Although the shortest, darkest day of the year, today begins the return of the Sun. As the cosmic wheel continues to turn, we stop for a powerful moment of reflection. It may feel like a lot of hustle and bustle, it’s really a time of perfect stillness. A beautiful time of both…

Empower Yourself with Ritual Baths

Ritual Baths are an important part of all magick rituals, and one of the first things you can do to get yourself prepared for ritual and into magickal consciousness. We incorporate a variety of tools and techniques to invoke our magickal consciousness and the ritual bath is something we love to do before all our…

Mabon, Autumn Equinox, Let’s Reflect

It’s that time of year here in the Northern Hemisphere where the green leaf hues begin to turn those amazing bright yellow, orange and red colors. The air is cooling, the sun sinks lower, and the dark of night comes a little earlier each day. Summer has come to an end, it’s harvest season. This…

Lammas! Celebrate Abundance

Lammas, sometimes called Lughnasadh, is a celebration of abundance at the height of summer. The Lammas is a time to gather and celebrate of the union of Sun and Earth, and give thanks for abundance. Lammas occurs on August 1, halfway between Litha (Summer Solstice) and Mabon (Fall Equinox). This marks the beginning of the…

Litha & MidSummer Dance of the Fae

Litha, more commonly known as Summer Solstice, is the Sabbat we celebrate following Beltane as the cosmic wheel turns yet again. This is the peak of the year for the Sun, life presents much joy, positivity and expansiveness. This is a powerful time for magick. Be sure to take a moment to reflect on the…

Writing Your Own Ritual

Summer Solstice will soon be here so we are deep into the writing and creation of our Summer Solstice, Litha Ritual. Have you ever wanted to or tried to write your own ritual but didn’t know where to start? Here’s how we approach it. We’ve been writing and practicing our own rituals for a number…