Writing Your Own Ritual

Summer Solstice will soon be here so we are deep into the writing and creation of our Summer Solstice, Litha Ritual. Have you ever wanted to or tried to write your own ritual but didn’t know where to start? Here’s how we approach it.

We’ve been writing and practicing our own rituals for a number of years now so we have a lot to work with when begin our process. We have some words we often use in every ritual, so that’s where we begin. Then we proceed with editing and modifying based on the intention of the ritual, the direction we would like to go – widdershins or deosil, who will be participating and what we’d like to call in, invoke. Often there is a bit of research involved as well on the different deities we call in to stand with us.

The writing is a very creative process. We really just allow our thoughts to flow and then the words seem to magically fall in place. The thesaurus also comes in quite handy. The best thing we have done for ourselves is to move away from any self critique and allow our inspiration to prosper.

During the ritual we also bring in different chants, sounds from gongs, crystal and/or Tibetan bowls, drums and rattles.

Here’s the ritual we prepared for our Ostara Ritual as an example. Feel free to use it as a place to start in creating your own and allow your SELF to be inspired.


Welcome to our Ostara, Spring Equinox, celebration at Hummingbird Hallow. The cosmic wheel turns yet again. 

Ostara is a perfect point of balance on the Wheel of the Year. Night and Day, Dark and Light are equal, but the year is now Waxing, so at this moment light defeats darkness and we celebrate rebirth, renewal and coming alive. 

After a period of great pause and quarantine, we see a glimpse of the abundant fertility to come.  It is time for hope to become action. Energy is expansive and exuberant.

We now come together in ritual to give our offerings of love and gratitude to celebrate the Spirit of the Goddess.

We will be giving our blessings and prayers to the coals of our sacred fire in gratitude for our blessings and to transmute our energies to ascend into the beauty of sacred sanctuary.  Thank you all for being here with us today. 

Close your eyes
Take a deep breath in

Feel the energy of the Earth beneath your feet and draw it up into you


Take another deep breath in
Feel the energy of the Sun above you flowing down into your crown


Stay inside, begin long deep breathing at a natural pace. 

Let’s ignite our internal fire. 

Breath of Fire for (30 sec to 1 MIN)


The Renewal and Blessing of our Sacred Flame,

Ostara Goddess of Spring, Vernal Equinox

We invoke you, to honor your name.

Bless our hands,

Our heads, our hearts

Source of creation, magick and art.

Hail and welcome.

The Ostara Rite has begun!

<BELL x3>


Put your hands in the AIR and connect with the AIR in the EAST.  

We’ll chant ONG 3 times. 




I Invoke you Goddess Saraswati into this sacred space granting us powers of Wisdom and the Arts.


Goddess Saraswati – Hail and Welcome


Saraswati guides us with an intuitive third eye.

Deep connection, prophetic visions, making us wise. 

The wind lifts our wings to fly through clear skies. 

Gliding the currents, reaching mountains up high. 

Sharing our knowledge, both here and afar.

Fortuitous dreams written in the stars!


Mantra 3X’s: Aum Shreen Bhreem Saraswathaye Namanha

<Light candle on altar>



Put your hands on your Belly (on your naval) and connect with the FIRE in the SOUTH.  

We’ll chant VAM 3 times. 




I Invoke you Goddess Astarte into this sacred space granting us powers of liberation and desire.


Goddess Astarte – Hail and Welcome


Leaping into action with Astarte’s faithful courage.

Blazing through life, fulfilling higher sacred purpose

Transforming ourselves, honoring internal flame.

Increasing life force to flow and sustain.

Respecting her Will. Exalting our passions.

Liberating our powers in royal fashion.

Manta 3X’s: Serena Alora Astarte Aken

<Light candle on altar>



Take your hands and place them on your Heart. Connect with the WATER in the WEST. 

We’ll chant YAM 3 times. 




I Invoke you Goddess Isis into this sacred space granting us powers of healing and compassion.


Goddess Isis – Hail and Welcome


The elegance and divinity of Isis’ grace,

Instills the beauty of compassion in the human race.

Through magick and life, healing energy flows

In joyous surrender, its divine love that we know.

Embodied in her love, and reverence of you.

Connected in our hearts, in all that we do! 

Mantra 3X’s: Isis


<Light candle on altar>



Hands facing down toward the Ground. Connect with the EARTH in the NORTH. We’ll chant LAM 3 times.




I invoke you Goddess Lakshmi into this sacred space granting us powers of success and wealth. 


Goddess Lakshmi – Hail and Welcome


The brightness and glow of Lakshmi’s splendor, 

Stirs a magick so powerful in rains gold tender

See Lakshmi’s beauty, feel her grounding of support.

Listen to the beating of her big generous heart.

Protect it, with your best intention.

And show you care deeply, for nature’s perfection.

Mantra 3X’s: Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha

Pronunciation:  OM – SHREEM – MAHA – LAK – SHMEE – YAY – SA-WA-HA

<Light candle on altar>



Put your hands in prayer position. TUNE IN with the SPIRIT. We’ll chant OM 3 times.





I Invoke you Goddess Hecate into this sacred space granting us powers of magick and alchemy. 


Goddess Hecate – Hail & Welcome


The infinite blessing of Hecate’s kiss,

Stirs cosmic inspirations to attain ecstasy and bliss.

A golden orb, full of promise and new life

Is the mystical symbol for this Ostara rite.

High magick, creation, that’s playful and wise,

Channelling our energy to attune and rise.

Mantra 3X’s: IO HEKA IO HO 

<Light candle on altar>


[Ostara Guardian]

[The Ostara Guardian places the offering on the coals and we wait for it to take flame.]

[POEM] ~ poetry by Danny Goldberg

We can pause here for a moment to catch another breeze

listen for the channeling, take heed within our ease

A chance to thank the fog for disappearing in the air

whirling winds of change like a roaring running mare

She’s a rolling, ringing beauty & will grace us with her smile

that will take us down the road where love is back in style

Hummingbirds reap the essence

a sparrow calls her mate

this may be more than springtime magic

it could be destiny or could be fate

Soothsayers share their secrets

in Sanskrit or in rhyme

stay lucid to your dreams

eternal bliss will come in time

<Dance around the fire, cacao covered strawberries & ceremonial wine toast>





Goddess Hecate, Goddess of Spirit

Thank you for your blessing of magick and alchemy


I am Bountiful, I am Blissful, I am Beautiful, I AM MAGICK


Hail and Farewell




Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess of Earth

Thank you for your blessing of success and wealth


I am Bountiful, I am Blissful, I am Beautiful, I AM PROSPEROUS


Hail and Farewell




Goddess ISIS, Goddess of Water

Thank you for your blessings of healing and compassion


I am Bountiful, I am Blissful, I am Beautiful, I AM LOVED


Hail and Farewell




Goddess Astarte, Goddess of Fire

Thank you for your blessing of liberation and desire.


I am Bountiful, I am Blissful, I am Beautiful, I AM IGNITED


Hail and Farewell




Goddess Saraswati, Goddess of Air

Thank you for your blessings of wisdom and arts


I am Bountiful, I am Blissful, I am Beautiful, I AM ENLIGHTENED


Hail and Farewell



The Renewal and Blessing of our Sacred Flame,

Ostara Goddess of Spring, Vernal Equinox

We invoked you, to honor your name.

You Blessed our hands,

Our heads, our hearts

Source of creation, magick and art.

Hail and Farewell

As Above. So Below. 

So As It Is.

The Ostara Ritual is Closed

<BELL x3>

With Love, Light and Faerie Dust ♥¨*.✫*¨*.¸¸.♥*¨.✫¨♥¨*.✫*¨

Blessed Be!

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